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Friday, May 30, 2008 at 1:06 PM

Pics of the day!

me and hy

me, hy and reigi

me and reigi

where hy lookin?

the four of us

four of us again

taken at s.wu






finally im back to blog!
today was out wif hy, reigi and yl..
kinda fun~
firstly i took bus 52 to reigi's sch to wait for her..
den we took bus 75 to robinson's there..
met up wif yl and hy..
together went to s.wu..
so yl and reigi went for their dancin lessons..
me and hy became their "maid"..
carried their bag to Starbucks..
we sat down there drinkin coffee..
meanwhile waitin for yl and reigi to finish their dancin lessons..
due to boredom,
we took pics there and chit-chatted abt the past..
ard 7.40pm,
they finished their lessons and came to find us..
so we went back to Bishan..
went j8's food junction for our dinner..
settled down for Omelette Rice..
recommended.(thou its abit salty)
after dinner, went to buy bb tea..
long time since i drank tat stall's bb tea..
still as nice as b4 =) after buyin our bb tea,
went to the blk opp to slack.. played poker cards for awhile and takin pics b4 goin home..
enjoyed the day wif them..
and i seriously think havin girl-friends is better than havin a boyfriend :D

to the sweetest dreams...

Thursday, May 8, 2008 at 11:40 AM

I am seriously bored to death!
today and tml is my off-day..
gd rite.. but the time passes so fast..
tml mornin might be goin to jb..
tats wad bro says just now..
he say most probably will come out at 1 plus or 2pm..
coz afraid there might be jam again Zzz..
hmm hopefully got go lah coz im bored at home~
im startin to really love my colleagues there..
especially ah bao and 阿伯(which is fu zhuang)..
they r really fun ok..
bring alot of fun and laughter to us..
workin wif them will make ur stomach really hurts..
coz u will keep laughing and laughing..
anyway fu zhuang got tis nick is becoz~
he called me auntie first..
coz last time got one ah pek called me auntie first and i think tat ah pek cant see clearly..
in the end tis fu zhuang keep callin me auntie liao =.=
and im gettin used to tis nickname already..
enough of tokin abt them..
lastly of endin tis post is i miss goin out wif leong~
miss goin crazy wif her..
hmmph shall find one day and go out..

to the sweetest dreams...

pain T.T
Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at 12:00 PM

now my right ear is so swollen coz of my piercing T.T
dunno when will recover oso..
just hope my ear will faster recover and stop swollen..
so tat i can remove my earring..
if not i dunno how...
ytd went kl to shop..
wif bro and mum..
reached woodlands checkpoint at 5 plus goin 6pm..
and there was jam already Zzz..
only manage to reach malaysia at 7pm plus..
cool uh..
and we went holiday plaza..
quite alot of eye-candies there..
and its like so long since i been there..
the last time i went there was when im pri sch tat time..
after shoppin for awhile,
was deciding where to hav our dinner..
mum and bro was thinkin of goin other place to hav dinner..
so when we were leavin the place,
we saw one restaurant there..
its call 旺角茶餐厅..
so we went in anyway coz it was late already..
ordered our food..
i ordered one chicken terriyaki rice + one 蜜桃百香果茶..
bro had 黑椒牛扒饭 + ocean tender ( which is a drink)..
mum had wanton mee + apple juice..
anyway my drink was like very huge..
and i couldn't finish it T.T
we oso ordered one side dish which is curry fishball..
its very spicy i tell u..
but nice lah..
later mum dabao 2 items..
so total up we paid RM 75 dollars plus (+ gst)..
mum says its expensive..
but i think its worth it..
after eatin we headed home already..
and we reach sg at 11pm plus..
coz jam again Zzz..
enjoyed myself really thou my ear really hurts T.T
today went to see doctor and mc for today..
hope my ear faster recover!
end of my post..

to the sweetest dreams...