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first post
Tuesday, January 8, 2008 at 8:27 AM

well.. tis will be my first post here.. xD
changed my link again..
feel tat tis link is easier to rem ba..
i shall try to use tis link for as long as possible!
will update soon............

to the sweetest dreams...

at 6:14 AM

me and cindy

elaine made tis.. damn nice ok

here to update!
today is my off day..
finally can rest at home~
ytd got home late and tat s2pig told my mum already..
%&#% f**k!
he damn like to see ppl gettin scold lor..
coz hes not the one being scold..
my phone line is temp. cut off..
didnt pay the bill =x
no money wad..
hav to wait till pay day..
back to 2 days ago which is sun..
workin frm 2 to 10..
stock take starts at 9pm..
but 8plus tat time many ppl already came..
they hav to arrange the things first..
i was still doin cashiering..
when it was 9pm,
manager says start to stock take now..
at first wendy came to the counter there to count the cigarettes..
i helped her abit..
den after tat manager ask me go to the sweets section to count..
so i count count count..
wif another gal i dunno..
den after sometime,
cindy came to help oso..
i was tokin to her but manager tell us dun tok..
while we were busy counting,
some ppl was walkin here and there as if "she" got nth to do..
think she is wad?
supervisor or boss?
after the sweets section, i went to lelong there..
leong, brenda and cindy was there countin..
so i went to help out oso..
we stock take till 1am like tat..
i damn hate tat 38 lah..
she think she is so beautiful like wtf..
keep diao ppl huh..
she think she can attract ppl's attention..
and i muz say one 成语- 有其母,必有其女..
enough of sayin them..
after stock take,
went to eat our burger..
sat at the bus stop there chit-chattin..
den elaine and cindy went to get money..
and poor fuzhuang and tat pig still hav to scan the items..
went to punch card wif leong at 1am plus..
den cindy, leong, elaine and me went to coffeeshop..
sat there playin cards and chattin..
think we left there at 3plus or 4 plus..
and we went to leong's hse to put down our things..
den we went downstairs again..
firstly went to cheers,

nth to buy and next stop was 7-eleven..
oso nth to buy..
in the end went back to supermart..
elaine bought one big pack of cheese balls..
so we went to the carpark above..
damn cooling and quiet..
sat down and chit chat..
cindy was like goin to fall aslp at anytime..
but in the end she became energetic already..
i tot of playin candles..
so we went down and bought some candles..
used up the candles after sometime..
very soon its daybreak~
hav to clear up..
so we left after clearin up..
went to coffeeshop to hav breakfast at 6am plus..
we were just like one small family..
after breakfast,
headed back to leong's hse..
all of us were damn tired..
watched tv for awhile and its time to slp~
slept at 7 plus till 12pm..
hav to wake up already as i still hav to work at 2pm..
so we washed up..
abt 1pm went downstairs for lunch..
me and cindy ordered prata,
whereas leong and elaine ordered murtabak..
quite nice lor..
hav to faster eat as im late for work..
tat molihua was naggin already..
so i left first~
and my break time got cut off till half an hr..
damn it~
cant even rest for awhile!
after tat cont work till 10pm..
finally finished work..
lg came to fetch me..
i make him angry..
feelin very bad lor..
but in the end we made up =)
spend sometime wif him so i came home late..
realise tis entry is so damn long..
enough of sayin.. tata~

to the sweetest dreams...