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Photos Effect.
Friday, October 9, 2009 at 5:06 PM

Just now was playing around wif photo effects =)))

like tis the most :D

Handsome me :DDDD

Im hungry already!!!!!!
when i just eaten lunch at 2pm plus!!
elton sure big big de >.<"
going to re-heat pau to eat le~

to the sweetest dreams...

Week 22
Thursday, October 8, 2009 at 9:48 PM

Fetal development in pregnancy week 22: The grow must go on! No wonder you’re getting so big, you’re now housing a wonder-baby who weighs nearly a pound and measures nearly a foot in length. Their perfect little pancreas is now further developed and they’ve also started producing their own hormones! Your baby's future in the circus as a world-famous tight-rope-walker is secure: their inner ear is now developed to the point that they have their own sense of balance. Lucky for your little explorer, balance also promotes physical dexterity, which has them actively feeling out their surroundings where skin, body parts, and the resident umbilical cord are the big sensory experiences. Your foot-long baby, is looking a bit like an oversized raisin right now as more and more wrinkles are showing up each week. Not to worry, all that excessive wrinkling is just their skin’s way of planning ahead for the time when they’ll start piling on that irresistible baby chub.

And how's mom doing? Take a moment to think about this: your uterus has now stretched to such unholy proportions that it extends beyond your navel! The not-so-exciting part of this remarkable fact is that growth like this tends to leave stretch marks and can itch like nobody’s business. If it makes you feel any better, Don’t get suckered into buying really expensive creams that supposedly make stretch marks ‘magically disappear.'Stretch marks are scars on your skin and won’t disappear with a topical cream stretch marks on the belly are extremely common. Don’t get suckered into buying really expensive creams that supposedly make stretch marks ‘magically disappear.'Stretch marks are scars on your skin and won’t disappear with a topical cream . But feel free to apply all the aloe-vera (and other anti-itch lotions) to alleviate the itching. In terms of preventing their appearance, cocoa butter-based creams and creams full of Vitamin E have a reputation for helping-- but there's still no guarantee that those pesky stretch marks won't show up despite your best creaming-up efforts.
Also, your doctor may offer you a glucose screening test sometime in the upcoming weeks. The test checks for a high blood sugar condition that some women are susceptible to during pregnancy. At most, 5 percent of women actually test positive for this problem, but if you do, you will probably have a few more follow up tests to be sure. If you end up with a positive test, make a plan with your physician or nutritionist for treatment. Untreated, the high sugar content in your blood enables the overproduction of baby fat for your little one, and often results in overly high birth weight which can induce premature birth and/or the necessity to deliver via cesarean.

to the sweetest dreams...

at 10:39 AM

Today woke up at 6am plus for toilet..
after back,
was feelin damn hungry..
tossing here and there but couldn't slp..
told Z tat i'm hungry..
but he say later den eat..
so no choice hav to bear wif it..
was woken up again at 8am..
coz "they" were simply too noisy..
by tat time,
was hungry lor..
Z wanted me to slp awhile more b4 gettin up to eat..
but i really cannot wait le..
so woke up and cook instant noodle..
after eating,
went back to slp..
woke up at 9am plus..
coz Z hav to go work le..
now im plurking but seems like no one there..

I'M HUNGRY AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to the sweetest dreams...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 at 1:01 PM

Z is back home already due to factory blackout..

3 more weeks to seeing baby elton again!!!!!!!!!!!!! :]]

to the sweetest dreams...

at 10:23 AM

Today was woken up by those "loudspeaker" sounds..
my bro was tokin to my father in a very loud voice..
its actually considered shouting lah..
me and Z were still slpin lor..
den he tok like we dun exist like tat..
so was tossing here and there frm 7am onwards till 9am plus..
coz Z had to go for work..
i seriously hate those who dun consider other ppl's feelin..
kinda hate my life.................................
i wanna move out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to the sweetest dreams...

Monday, October 5, 2009 at 11:29 AM

Revamping my blog layout

to the sweetest dreams...

Detail Scan
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 12:04 PM

The things we brought for baby elton :)

baby elton's Head

Ytd was my first appointment at KKH..
reached there at 8.20am like tat..
den registered all tat..
waited for our turn..
den went to take urine test first..
after tat went to do a simple scan..
saw lil baby again :)
next to do detail scan..
saw every lil thing of baby..
den next was to check gender..
the doctor says its a baby boy!
at first baby elton's head was facing downwards..
den he turned and became lying down like tat..
so can check his gender..
was kinda pain while doin the ultrasound..
dunno y oso..
anyway i already got the feelin is a boy le..
woman's sixth sense maybe?
after finishing all,
the nurse asked us to go and make payment all tat..
but at first the doctor say will let me and Z do a blood test..
while we were waitin to pay..
the nurse came and said she forgot wan us to do blood test..
so we went to another room outside to wait..
after tat was our turn..
i took first..
was very afraid at first..
but after tat ok le..
after Z finish doin,
we went to the counter there to make payment..
only manage to finish all at 11am plus..
by tat time im already starving..
coz we didn't had our breakfast..
next appointment is at 27th of Oct..
after leaving KKH,
we took bus 57 to Bishan Interchange..
had chicken rice at Food Junction..
den took 410w to Bishan st 22 there..
Z went there to take hp frm a auntie..
den we took bus 88 to AMK Hub..
went there to shop for baby elton's things..
brought a Body Suit and a Pacifier Chain..
after buying,
brought 2 Pork Sausage and 4 Durian Pancake home~
Today had Roti Prata for breakfast,
Z had 水饺拉面..
actually wanted to rent dvd home to watch..
but like no nice show to watch..
so didn't rent any..
just now brought 6 can Sprite and 1 bottle of HoneyLemon and some Sushis :D
den back home..

to the sweetest dreams...